Quick history of the "guy I don't even really know"... A little over a year ago I went surfing for the coolest blogs on the internet and just started searching for things that I like: I've always wanted to visit Maine, and (as you know) I love trail running. The only thing I can imagine is that I must have put all that together into a search and (low and behold) I found MaineRunner. I knew nothing about this blog, nor did I know anything about the guy who posts to this blog. Regardless, I subscribed to the feed and I've been following it ever since. Over the last year or so I've posted comments on Jamie's blog and he's posted comments back on my blog. I've never met the guy, but I feel as though I know him enough to call him a "friendly acquaintance". Blogging is amazing... isn't it? :)
Well, last week when I got back from Orlando I was catching up on my blog roll and read a post that really got me thinking. I read about a guy who lived to live. This guy was Jamie's friend and his name is Christopher Douglass.
Chris was about to embark on an epic journey by foot from Colorado to Maine. The night before he was to begin his journey he was hit head-on by a car and died; he was 29 years old. There is a lot more ugly drama that goes along with this accident about the driver of the other vehicle, and Chris' girlfriend's condition, but I don't want to digress too much. I'm not one to post sappy posts, and it's not my intention to make this a sappy post either. The reason for this post is that I was so impressed by Chris' life that I wanted to share his "big picture" with everyone.
The night that I read about Chris' accident, I got so caught up in his story that I spent the rest of that night reading about his adventures and really got to know him (as much as I could over the internet anyway). I watched all of his video's and really saw how much he enjoyed living. He was just... happy. There was a link on his site that night for people to email his family, so I did and told them how his story had such an impact on me. That next day, I woke up and took my girls hiking through the woods and let them get muddy in a nasty creek bed. I just enjoyed (really enjoyed) my time with my family that next day, and plan to do more of that from now on. I told my wife about his story and now I'm telling the world. If you're reading this and are caught up in your daily routine of wake, eat, work, eat, tv, eat, sleep, repeat... call off work, take a $20 bill and just go do something outside for the day. What's stopping you!? If you choose NOT to go out and do something, please just read the few paragraphs on SmallWorldTreks.net home page. If that gets you thinking, then I encourage you to continue to read about Chris' adventures. It changed the way I think about my daily activities.
Jamie, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. However, you should feel very honored to have known him. He was an amazing human being, and his spirit will live on for a looooong time.
Luc, that was an incredibly nice tribute. Thanks. You hit the nail on the head... so many people live a mundane life when they simply don't have to. Chris' legacy of living life to the fullest will resonate forever in many of us... glad his story touched you as well.
Luc, It's so great to hear how someone who didn't know Chris, knew what he was about. My husband and I were fairly good friends with Chris, but I have learned more about him because of his blogs and reading what other stories friends have posted. I'm blown away with the impact he has had on people who never met him in person. For some one who can barely text or use a computer, I have a new appreciation for this technology that brings us all together. Good to hear you get Chris.--Tina
Thank you for the kind words about my younger brother Chris. If you haven't made it to Maine yet, a good excuse would be Chris' going away party on the 30th. We would love to have you and anybody else that shares the same spirit.
Your comments about Chris mean a lot to us and we really appreciate it.
This comment is in response to everybody that has contacted me who knew Chris: BeeLady, Glen, Dennis, Jamie, Tina, and everybody else.
Chris has already changed my life and I never knew him. I think of him often, and yet (again) I never knew him. You had (and still have) an amazing friend, brother, son, and [every other role that Chris played]. His passion for the outdoors is shared by me, and since reading his story, I'm focusing more on being outdoors and staying happy.
Thank you for reading my thoughts about him; I had no idea so many of you would read it. Chris' spirit is having a huge impact on a lot of lives. What an amazing person!
Please keep SmallWorldTreks.net going. And... I want to help!
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