
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Germany 2013 - Day 12

Today (Thursday) was another work day. Calls were made and code was written...

As it turned out, I never actually "left the office" after work. Bob and I worked at the table up until dinner time. Michelle made burritos for dinner tonight and they were delicious! It's been great hanging out with The Andreini's this week. They are great hosts and have really welcomed me as a member of their family here in Dusseldorf. They invite me to every meal, and I really appreciate it. Michelle is "da bomb" cook; one night she made asian cuisine, the next night she made a delicious salmon and veggies dish, and tonight she made healthy burritos. Yum! Michael and Matt are very open to me this year. Last year, there was a bit of shyness I think, but this year we talk and joke with one another. I enjoy the stories of their travels and school friends.

There are some evenings when I simply do my own thing and give them their family time. This night, we all sat around and enjoyed each others' company even after dinner. Around 8 or so, I headed back down the hotel to relax and unwind for the evening. I worked a bit more at my desk in the room and talked to Jennifer on Skype for a bit.

All in all it was a very chill day here in Dusseldorf.

Daizi, Lizzie, and Jazzy
Here is the same picture of the girls that I posted earlier this week. I'm re-posting it because I was really missing them tonight when I got back. This picture kind of summarizes our life on the farm; simple and happy. I can't wait to get home to see them again. Skype helps, but it's nothing like relaxing with them in the same room and being goofy with each other as we walk through the house. I've missed a few of their sporting and school events and I hate that. Lizzie had a volleyball game where their team did really good last weekend. Daizi actually got to read a few lines of a story up on stage at her school program the other night. Jazzy hasn't had any programs or events, but she keeps showing me her art work over Skype that she's been doing at home... WOW is she getting good!! It goes without saying that I'm really anxious to get home and just chill out with them again.

I'm approaching the half way point on my travels, so that's good. :)

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