
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dortmund, Germany - Day 16

No pics today! Today was quick day, which warrants a quick post. :) Woke up ON TIME! Made it Bob's by 8:30 after a great breakfast, and then he and I made it to Dortmund to get down to business...

Fast forward through meetings, lunch, coding, and more meetings... We left the office a little after 6 pm and made it back into Dusseldorf around 7:15. Bob and Michelle had invited me for dinner, and we still had about 30 minutes before it was ready. I decided to get out of their hair for a while and came back to my room here at the hotel until they were ready for me. Luckily, I was able to chat with Jen via Skype for a short while. It helped pass the time quickly.

Around 8pm, I got the call and headed down to their flat. They live about 3 blocks down from where I'm at, so it was a quick walk. When I walked in the door, the entire building smelled amazing and I was happy to know that the arouma was coming from their flat (the place I was heading towards). :) We all had a great time.

They served pork chops, green beans rolled in ham (delicious), and roasted potatoes with onions and tomatoes. It was all reeeally good. I didn't take a picture of the dish, but you'll have to take my word for it; I actually went back for seconds! After dinner, we all had apple cake for dessert. Whoa! I'd never had this before, but will be looking for the recipe when I get back home and beg Jennifer to try and make it for us. It was awesome! Typically, when I go to bakeries over here, I like the "apple" pastries. This stuff topped them all! It was still warm and was served with whipped cream on top. Oh man, I'm making myself hungry again...

We all sat around and talked for a while afterwards and I got to hear about Matt and Michaels school program. We talked about the curriculum over here and how different it is from the States. These guys are both very bright kids and I really enjoyed talking with them tonight. Their school program keeps them busy with many field trips all over Europe, and also demands a lot from them in regards to learning and testing. I couldn't believe some of the courses that Matt was telling me about. He was listing them off, but the one that stuck out for me was when he "glazed over" the fact that he studies various math topics including linear calculus along with other forms of math in the same math class (ie. geometry, algebra, other forms of calculus, etc..). I think he even through out "advanced physics" and some other course titles that made my head spin. Oh and don't forget, they also take German classes (duh). Quite impressive if you ask me...

I came home around 9pm and caught up on some emails and just relaxed in my room. After work tomorrow, I'm planning to meet with an old NHS classmate who now calls Dusseldorf his home! He found that I was in Dusseldorf from a Facebook post, and I'm so happy he did. More on this tomorrow...

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