
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Running in 2010

Well, I'm still running. I'm just not running as much these last few weeks; though, again, I am running. I did a long 16 miler 2 weeks ago, down to Dillon State Park and back. I pretty much took a whole week off that next week. This last week, me and a buddy ran 10 miles at Dillon State Park, and this weekend I'm scheduled for a 15 miler somewhere... Probably at Dillon again since it's so close. Unfortunately, I don't have any record of these events since my SportTracks data went with the Toshiba, and my BuckeyeOutdoors updates went with my SportTracks data. I hope to have this issue fixed sometime this week so that I can pummel my twitter followers with my workouts when I upload them all. :)

My last two weeks have really been hit and miss. My work schedule picked up a lot recently as we're approaching a hard deadline, and it got me into a horrible sleeping / working / family schedule. Needless-to-say, my running schedule got shot in that mix. I didn't feel like running in the dark in single digit temperatures for no good reason. It has taken me a few days, but I'm trying to get back to the first shift schedule so I can get back to some normal activities rather than just coding all the time. Oddly, I still feel like the night time is my best time to zone out on work, so it's still a struggle.

This year is kind of a bummer year for some of my favorite ultra races too. As some of you know, Mohican State Park is one of my favorite place to run. I was really looking forward to the Mohican 100 this year, because the 50 miler beat me bad last year. They are redoing the course for this years race and I wanted to be a part of the "new course". As it turns out, we'll be taking a (long overdue) vacation to Maine that very week! I'll take that trade off anyday! However, it was pretty heart wrenching when I found out that I'd be missing my chance to beat the 50 miler. I do plan to come back to next year's run with a vengeance.

Also, my buddy, Rob, just announced that his Mohican 50k race has sold out. Way to go, Rob! More money for that killer softball team! :) This means that I won't be attending that one either. So far I only have one race scheduled for this year, and it's in 3 weeks: Pilot Mountain Payback Trail Marathon. I'm considering keeping it a low key year and only run at my own leisure til I decide to attempt my 4 hour marathon (which I will do).

Perhaps a Mohican fun run is in my near future... Rob? Nick? Kim? Mark? Anybody?


  1. Kim B. is hosting a FA on Valentine's Day Feb 14. Go to my FB page and she's posted a link there.

    If you are not running "Forget the PR" why not consider VOLUNTEERING either Saturday or the race itself Sunday? I'm sure we can use the help. I'll be there all weekend working.

  2. I'm up for a run any time buddy! I miss you!

  3. Kim - Derr, what a brilliant idea. I'm so there!! It would have hit me sooner or later, but I'm glad you helped me to realize the "volunteer" route sooner. It'll be my first time! :) Hope you've been well.

    Mark - For sure!! These next few weekends are full in regards to Mo running, but I'll be contacting you oh-too-soon letting you know when I can get up there next. Would you be down for some Dillon miles this weekend? Supposed to be pretty snowy, but I'm ain't skurd. You can IM me on Facebook or email me...

  4. I am sure that there will be plenty of Mo for you!
