
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bucharest, Romania - Day 11

First things first... Happy Birthday Daizi!! My littlest baby is 3 years old today. I am so bummed that I missed her birthday party, but I did get to talk to her today and Jennifer put pictures of the party up on her Facebook account. Therefore I at least got to see pictures... It looked like a lot of fun and I can't wait to get home to kiss and hug my big 3 year old!!

Also, Happy Birthday Mom!! Her and Daizi share the same birth date. I joked with Mom 3 years ago that I would never have to get her another present from that day forth. She could just be happy knowing that she shares the same birthday as Daizi; the present of being a Grandma. :)

Ok, now onto the events of the day. Today was a great day. Stefani woke me up around 9 am because she was heading out for a 4 miler around the park and wanted to know if I would like to join her. I got ready and off we went. It was very nice to run with her and get to know her a little mono e chicka. :) We talked about all kinds of stuff and just enjoyed the pretty morning. Towards the end of our run there was a small outdoor festival setup, so we stopped and looked around a little. As it turns our Yiorgo and I couldn't have picked a better weekend to come visit them. There were festivals all over Bucharest this city because it was the 550 year anniversary of Bucharest. We couldn't have planned it any better.

When we got back, Yiorgo was babysitting Henry... AGAIN! :) No, but Volli had left to go get some coffee and various pastries so that we could all have a nice breakfast before we started our "last day" together. Stefani quickly made some scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and we all sat around and had a great breakfast together when Volli got back. It was absolutely delicious and we all just enjoyed each other's company. I sure am gonna miss these guys and this great city...

Shortly after dinner we all gathered around and called Jennifer on Skype. Yesterday, I had called my Mom, and told her to be at my house @ 7am so that we could all get together and talk before we had to part our separate ways. It would be 2pm here in Bucharest and that would give us just enough time to talk and then get Yiorgo on his plane back to Greece. To my surprise, my Dad was in town as well, so it was great that he got to sit and talk with us too. As I said earlier, today was my Mom's birthday and I'm sure having Dad there and being able to talk with Volli and Yiorgo along side me over here in Romania made for quite an excellent birthday present. We sat and talked for almost 45 minutes. We were also able to introduce Stefani and Henry to my parents. Of course, we we talked to the girls for a while as well. Unfortunately I didnt' get to speak to Jennifer too much since we were running pretty late as it was... :(

Talking with Mom and Dad
The 3 malakas talking to my 3 angels
Immediately after the call (and I mean immediately), we scurried out the door to the airport so that Yiorgo could catch his flight back to Greece. We made it to the airport with only 10 minutes to spare before his flight started boarding. We said our good bye's and off he went. I had full intentions on staying at the airport and hanging out until my flight boarded @ 8pm. However, being as good of hosts as Volli and Stefani were, they weren't hearing of it and they took me out of the airport and we hung out some more. We stopped at a local italian restaurant and ordered some dishes to go. While Volli sat in the car waiting on the food, Stefani and I took a walk with Henry near a lake and just enjoyed each others company at a very slow pace. She is such a nice girl and I can totally see why Volli married her. Once the food was done, we took it back back to their place and had a nice dinner on their terrace while Henry sang to us. :) After dinner, we hung out for almost an hour and then they took me back to the airport.

Spending these last 3 days in Bucharest with Volli and Yiorgo has been unbel-ievable. Really. I mean, how often could this be done in a lifetime? 3 friends with crazy lives getting together in Romania to hang out for 3 days. We were able to catch right back up where we left off with one another almost 9 years ago, when they were grooms men in Jennifer and I's wedding. It's like we didn't miss a beat after all these years. It's obvious that Volli and Yiorgo are the best of friends and it's an honor to be hanging out with them over here in Europe. I'm sure they'll be meeting up again in the next year or two. However, for me I don't know when (or if) I'll be able to come back. I can honestly say that this trip to Europe my favorite trips of all time, and these malaka's had a lot to do with it. I've made memories these last three days that will last a lifetime!

Volli, and Stefani: Thank you for a great weekend at your awesome apartment. You have a kick ass little boy and I can't wait for my girls to meet him and shower him with kisses. I now know how hospitable a good host should be; you both set the bar and ensured that Yiorgo and I didn't pay for ANYTHING!!

Volli, it was amazing to see you speak so many languages as freely as you wanted to. As much as you may think I'm kidding, you really inspired me to think about picking up another language or at least mastering my french skills. Great job on using your brain, dumb ass! :)

Stefani, it was great to meet you and I hope to see you again very soon. Thank you again for accepting me into you home and picking on your husband with us. Volli is a lucky man to have you as his wife! You are what us Hardbarger's call "Good People" :)

Yiorgo,.. I mean YIORGO!!! :D I had a blast with you this weekend. It was fun to scream your name from across a restaurant after a few too many drinks... Ok, a lot too many drinks. :) I sure hope that Jennifer and I can come and see you in Larissa soon. I'll never forget how Volli made us babysit Henry that day. He just brought him out and handed him to you and then went back to sleep. :) Too funny!! You guys are such good friends and it shows each moment you're together. I feel lucky to know that your friendship started in my home town... Hell... In my house!! :D Now, you ride my @#$#@% #@*&!!!

Peace brotha's! See you soon!

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