
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Thank You, Tim Moffatt

I woke up this morning and heard the news that Tim Moffatt, the President of Data Dynamics, died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Tim was the one that hired me at Data Dynamics, for he saw something in me during my interview that I didn't see at the time. I have forever been grateful for his belief in me. He helped me believe in myself, and even had a few heart-to-heart talks with me about how to be who I want to be. He always showed me a lot of respect... with the exceptions of his crazy and (sometimes) offensive humor. That was just Tim though. :) I was very sad to hear of the news this morning. 

Rest in peace, my friend.

Keith posted a nice tribute to his passing on Farpoint's blog: Component Industry Loses a Leader


  1. I am really sad to hear this news, Great guy, always had a very good sense of humor. I worked for his company for three years.

    Rest in peace, thanks for everything.

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Sorry to hear that. Especially when it was some one who believed in you.

  3. Thoughts are with his family.
