
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Dark, Wet, and Quiet Long Run

I wanted to wake up and get my run in early today so I could spend my day being productive.As it turned out, I suffered from some pretty bad insomnia last night and we had company most of the day. By the time I was able to get out the door and head to town, it was already 4pm and I had to go to WalMart first. Around 5pm, I got my car parked at the YMCA, put on all my reflective gear, grabbed some drinks and gel packs, and headed down the road. 

It was cold, rainy, getting dark, and I couldn't wait to get started. Turned out to be a great and stress releiving run. I pretty much covered the upper west quadrant of Newark, Ohio. There were a few parts that had me creeped out, but it was my own mind playing tricks on me. :) While I was up in the rural area, it was just black at time and I was running all by myself in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone (again, it was raining). Anyway, it turned out to be a great run and I'm excited to be back to running agian. :) My break from distance running was too long. 


  1. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Not sure what it is, but Sunday runs for me had better happen in the morning or they end up not happening at all.

    It's great to see you made it out despite it being late.

  2. Way to get back out there!
