
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Data Dynamics Analysis (First Maintenance Release)

The Data Dynamics Analysis team has been working diligently on some new features and bug fixes for the product. We just posted our first maintenance release yesterday. This build includes a few new features and some pretty important bug fixes. My favorite new feature for this release probably has to be the AutoConnect property.

This new property allows a developer to deliver a (front to back) visual analysis solution without writing a SINGLE LINE OF CODE! Here is how it works...
  1. Start a new Windows Forms solution.
  2. Drop a PivotView control onto your Windows Form.
    1. Set the Dock property to Fill
  3. Drop the RdDataSource control onto your Windows Form.
    1. Set the ConnectionString property (same one you used to build the custom schema file *).
    2. Set the ConnectionType property (OleDb, ODBC, or Sql)
    3. Set the CustomSchemaFile property (*)
    4. Set the QueryString property (ie. query or stored procedure)
    5. Notice the new AutoConnect property defaults to True
  4. Set the PivotView's DataSource property to rdDataSource1.
  5. Press Play!
This new AutoConnect property prevents the developer from ever having to go to the code window and manually writing rdDataSource1.Connect() in the Forms' Load event. Sure, it's a little feature, but it's a really big selling point for some of our more non-technical users.

We are continuing to make enhancements on the product and are committed to delivering new builds much more frequently to ensure that our users are taken care of quickly and effectively. More and more cool features are coming very soon too; there are 3 (huge) features that we hope to deliver to the public in the next month or so. If you haven't signed up for product updates, I highly encourage it!


* - When you install Data Dynamics Analysis, it ships with many prebuilt schema files that describe some of the relational data sources that ship with the product. If you would like to explore these data sources, simply reference the schema files from the following directory:
...My Documents\Data Dynamics\Analysis\DataSources

Otherwise, you can analyze your own data by modeling a default schema to represent your data source. In order to quickly build a default schema file that represents your data, refer to our online walkthrough.

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