
Friday, July 13, 2007

Learn to Love Running

Ok, so I'm blogging away and I start following links to cool sites and I came across a whole bunch of cool running links. I read this one article and it just hit home for me: Learn to Love Running
"Hi, my name is Lucas Hardbarger and I'm addicted to running."

It really is how I feel these days; every where I go and everything I do, I'm thinking about running. I remember drinking beer with my buddy Corey on New Years Eve of 2007 and we talked about starting a running regiment (full story). Well... I've stuck with it and I'm damn glad I did. It's to a point now that I can't stop running. I did 4 miles yesterday, only because I got back to my car (I could've kept going). I actually have the urge right now to go run... I'm a freak, I know.

The other day, I set out to run 4 miles and ended up running 6, for no good reason. It took me 1 hour and 6 minutes to do it, but I didn't stop running that entire hour. I just chugged along and got lost in my own thoughts. I've noticed that, as I've started running more and more miles, I'm getting slower. Every now and then I'll set out and do a couple of 9 minute miles, but for now the 10:30 miles are fine with me. My 6 mile run ended up being something like 11 minute miles, but I felt great afterwards and could have kept going if I wanted to.

When I started running, I weighed in at 220lbs, today I'm down to 205lbs and still going (down that is). I'm continuing to drop pounds each week. My injury had me laid up for a while and (wow), it was way too easy to put the weight back on. I'm back to running now and I feel great! Something else that is cool: The wife is noticing. :)

Ok, that's it! I'll be back, gotta go get my shoes on...

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