
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lucas Hardbarger from Data Dynamics...

Well, the .NET Rocks Interview is up and ready for your listening pleasure. I am so pumped!! I thought the interview went really well. I talked about our products and made quick mentions to our new, upcoming products. I feel that I gave just enough information to entice people to check out our site. One problem I (personally) noticed is that I pitched one of our products incorrectly. It was a quick, subtle mistake, but...

The coolest part of the episode (yes, even cooler than the fact that I got interviewed by .Net Rocks!) is that Carl and Richard commended Data Dynamics for being "the pioneers of sponsoring community events". Very cool! Thanks Carl. Thanks Richard.

Here is a link to the show:
My interview is at: 22:54

After hearing my voice on the show, I realized that I sound like I'm 13. Do I really sound like that?

Oh yeah, Carl and Richards "shout out" to Data Dynamics is at around the 32 minute mark too.

Enjoy, and feel free to comment below. :)

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